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Animal Welfare and Nutrition – serving up the fifth domain. Mandi McLeod

Mandi McLeod is an international consultant on animal welfare in the UK, USA, Australia and New Zealand. Mandi holds international certification from the Professional Animal Audit Certification Organisation (PAACO), and is a Cow Signals® Master, and is trained in animal sentience for expert witness testimony. Mandi has been involved with the expert review panel for live animal trade legislation review, establishing governance procedures with dairy co-operatives, training MPI and SPCA, and is a peer-reviewed author. Mandi comes from a dairy farming family and currently runs a cow/calf operation in the Waikato, and will be talking about the interface of nutrition and animal welfare.,

Mandi shares how nutrition influences and impacts the 5 domains. The first component is that to get a better base understanding as to what the animals environment is to get on farm. She then highlights the senses (taste, sight, smell, hearing, touch) and how this can influence the first stages of what and how ruminants consume feed. The fifth domain is the mental state of the animal. Mandi reviews how the changes from the five freedoms to the five domains have changes and how these lenses are reviewed when we coming from a nutritional aspect.

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