Congratulations to the NZARN committee for organising and delivering a fantastic conference! The event was attended by over 80 participants including vets, farmers, consultants, nutrition specialists, rural financial advisors, and sales reps.
Feedback was excellent with all of the respondents indicating NZARN is a trusted source of animal nutrition information.
Many thanks to all of the fantastic speakers:
- Howard De Klerk – Optimising grass-based systems: understanding base and marginal milk
- Charlotte Westwood – Farm system tools and nutrition guidelines: making the best use of supplements
- Helwi Tacoma and Ian Williams – Home grown feeds: guidelines for best value
- Trish Lewis – Assessing silage cost and value
- Bryan McKay – Setting cows up for lactation
- Natalie Chrystal – Growing great cows: rearing heifers from weaning to calving
- Andrea Murphy – First limiting nutrients: identifying limitations and implementing solutions.
Click here to hear a follow up interview about the conference on Dom George’s Rural Today Radio Show.
Non-members looking for more information are encouraged to use our ‘contact a nutritionist’ form and ‘member directory’ to find a member who can help them answer their questions.
If you are a Rural Professional interested in joining the NZARN please see our ‘membership’ section.