Lance kick started the session with an over view of the GIT, and the impact of how overall health can stem from the GIT. He discusses the thickness of the rumen which can be > 10 layers thick, compared the intestinal wall which is much thinner. The intestinal track has adaptations to increase the nutrient absorption with mucosal layers and villi. This causes the GIT is 150x the surface area of the skin. 70% of the immune system resides in the GIT, therefore health is about maintaining integrity of the GI track and reducing the amount of inflammation
Lance proceeded to break the session down into smaller bite size sections starting with heat stress. Where he spoke about the decrease in DMI only explains ~50% of the decrease in production. Due to the high level of inflammation and the energy that is needed to manage this, the additional decrease in performance is believed to have stemmed from the energy demand an additional 1,000g of glucose can be needed.
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